T.E.A.S. – (Test of Essential Academic Skills)

Modified on Thu, 22 Jun 2023 at 04:22 PM

The T.E.A.S. test is administered to students who are enrolling in several of the health technology programs at Forsyth Tech, but could include students from other local schools.

The cost of the T.E.A.S. test is $65.00 if taken with Forsyth Tech.

Enroll in an online section of ACA 085, a one-credit course designed to assist students to remediate specifically on areas of TEAS using a web-based tutorial program, PLATO. This program will allow you to review your basic skills and test in each area for competency.

Contact: Debra Pitt (dpitt@forsythtech.edu, 336-734-7186)

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