Motorcycle Safety Basic Rider Course

Modified on Fri, 09 Sep 2022 at 03:58 PM

The Basic Rider Course consists of classroom and motorcycle riding. Classroom session includes an eCourse (online) the first night of class. The eCourse, proctored by certified rider coaches, is required as it helps you understand the principles of motorcycling and determine if motorcycling is right for you. Students must satisfactorily complete eCourse before riding. Failure to complete eCourse or any portion of class will result in forfeiture of registration fee and a grade of incomplete.

Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) certified rider coaches will guide you through basic skills of motorcycle operation, effective braking and obstacle operation, as well as safe riding strategies. If you are unable to meet the physical or coordination requirements, you may be required to discontinue the riding portion of the course with no refund provided.

Prerequisite: Valid Driver’s License, 18 years of age or older, able to balance and ride a bicycle.

NOTE: Must have a valid email address and know how to operate a computer.

Class is physically and mentally demanding.  Ride exercises will be conducted in extreme heat, cold and rain.

   *Must use motorcycles provided by Forsyth Tech for insurance reasons

   **May bring own helmet, though helmets are also provided.

Current Coordinator: James Mitchell

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